About US

 The Walking Royalty Apparel Brand is the go to "Self Empowered" brand for those with a Regal mindset. The brand was conceptualized and brought to life in 2014, with the sole purpose of speaking power into self. This Royal brand was created  to encourage oneself to continue to persevere through tough times, and to keep moving forward in life without losing who you are, all while holding yourself to a Royal Status.

At the time of its conception, The Creator of the brand,  was at a low point in his life, and needed a way to self motivate. The only thing that kept him persevering through these tough times, was for him to continue with positive self talk, and self motivation. This was what kept him motivated to succeed and shift his mind into a Royal way of thinking.

*After years of self-blaming and  self hate talk, The creator of the self empowered brand decided to do what we call at the company,  ("Mind Shifting".) This is the moment in time, where the creator truly understood the powers of ("self-Labeling". ) 

*He started referring to himself as a "kinG", because at the time he felt as though everything that he has gone through was  preparing him for something great. He started to understand that (we create our own realities, )and started to see first hand, that "You are exactly  (what you say you are").  

*He was able to identify the impact of negative feelings that he lived with on a daily basis, or negative self-talk that it had on his life. He also saw how it impacted his everyday decision making, that eventually affected his everyday lifestyle.

*(By understanding how his attitude shaped how he thought, which in turn shaped how he viewed life, )He decided to practice Mind-Shifting. He started to shift his negative way of thinking into a positive way of thinking. (By practicing this method,  he realized that his thoughts change for the better, and his outlook on life has changed for the better as well.)

 *During this time, he began to( commit to speaking positive affirmation into self) Instead of feeling sorry for himself, this time (he decided to change how he saw  instead of awaiting validation from others).

*The first thing he changed was his mindset! He started to believe that no matter what was placed in his path, he'll approach it with a( "Royal Mindset". )He started to look at his challenges as just that, another challenge. And through "Positive Self Affirmations" he began to (manifest the life that he envisioned for himself.)

He found himself uplifting others, and encouraging those around them to “think, and so shall you be”. Hence, he started greeting those who he encountered with a high level of respect, by calling them “King or Queen”. Noticing the positive responses of those individuals, he felt that it was his duty to create a positive brand that serves as a reminder that we are all born with a purpose, and that we are all Royalty within our own right. 

The benefits of having a Royal Mindset:

1-Understanding that your mind is the most powerful tool that you have.

2- feeding it positivity is found to be the key to creating your positive lifestyle. The Walking Royalty Brand goes way "Beyond clothing", it's truly a "mind-set". 

3- The logos are representations of those who possess a regal mind-set, and serves as a constant reminder to walk as " Royalty" within your purpose.